Friday, August 1, 2003

When it comes to health

A man goes to consult a world famous specialist about his medical

After he's been given a thorough examination...

"How much do I owe you?"

"My fee is $500," replies the physician.

"Five hundred dollars? That's impossible, that's too much."

"In your case," the doctor replies, "I suppose I could adjust my
fee to $300."

"Three hundred dollars for one visit? Ridiculous."

"Well, then, could you afford $200?"

"Who has so much money?"

"Look," replies the doctor, growing irritated, "Just give me $50
and be gone."

"I can give you five dollars." says the man. "Take it or leave

"I don't understand you," says the doctor. "Why did you come to
the most expensive doctor in town?"

"Listen, Doctor," says the patient. "When it comes to my health,
nothing is too expensive."

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